Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Children's Writers' Critique Group

Buffalo has everything...except a local group for aspiring children's writers.  Face-to-face meetings where you're getting real feedback on your writing.  There is no online group or internet forum that can take the place of that.

This is a new group, and admittedly, my third or fourth attempt to get one going out here.  I can't possibly be the only children's writer in the whole Buffalo area.  As long as there are at least two of us, we can get a group off the ground, and hopefully, grow it into something. 

Critique groups are indispensable for aspiring writers, no matter what level you're at.  You can get feedback on your story and your writing, as well as help with basic mechanics:  grammar, punctuation, spelling, story structure, characterization, plot, pacing--everything having to do with writing.  Groups are also a huge source of information: classes, workshops, conferences, online sources, etc.

Send me an email if you're interested in joining.  Meetings are free, so if you started a story years ago and it's just getting stale in the drawer, what do you have to lose?  This is for both secular and faith-based writers alike!

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